Hang arrows on a wall using nails/hooks, a shadow box display, individual arrow decor pieces, or rope/string. Consider arrow weight/size and ensure secure attachment to prevent damage.

4 Methods To Hang Arrows On A Wall

To Hang arrows on a wall, there are a few different methods you can use depending on the type of arrows and the desired display style. Here are a few common methods:

Nail or Hook

One simple method is to use nails or hooks to hang the arrows directly on the wall. You can either rest the arrows on top of the nails/hooks or hang them by the shaft. Make sure the nails/hooks are sturdy enough to support the weight of the arrows.

Shadow Box Display: 

If you want a more decorative display, you can use a shadow box. Place the bow horizontally at the back of the shadow box and arrange the arrows vertically in front of it. This creates a visually appealing arrangement and keeps the arrows securely in place.

Wall Art Pieces

If you prefer smaller wall art pieces, you can hang individual arrow decor pieces. These can be hung using nails, adhesive hooks, or even Velcro tape. Arrange the arrow art pieces in a pattern or design of your choice to create a visually striking display.

Rope or String: Another option is to use rope or string to hang the arrows. This method works well if you want to create a rustic or bohemian-style display. Tie the rope or string securely around the arrows and then hang them on hooks or nails attached to the wall.

It’s important to consider the weight and size of the arrows when choosing a hanging method. Make sure the arrows are securely attached to the wall to prevent them from falling and causing damage.

Nail Or Hook Guide

To hang arrows on a wall using nails or hooks, follow these steps:

Choose the right nails or hooks: 

Select nails or hooks that are sturdy enough to support the weight of the arrows. For lightweight arrows, small nails or adhesive hooks may be sufficient. For heavier arrows, consider using larger nails or hooks designed for hanging heavier items.

Determine the placement: 

Decide where you want to hang the arrows on the wall. Measure the distance between the arrows to ensure they are evenly spaced.

Mark the wall: 

Use a pencil or marker to mark the desired placement of the nails or hooks on the wall. Make sure the markings are straight and level.

Attach the nails or hooks: 

If using nails, gently tap them into the wall at the marked locations. If using adhesive hooks, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation.

Hang the arrows: 

Rest the arrows on top of the nails or hooks, or hang them by the shaft. Ensure that the arrows are securely in place and won’t easily fall.

Adjust the display: 

Step back and assess the arrangement of the arrows. If needed, make any adjustments to the position or spacing to achieve the desired look.

Shadow Box Display guide

A shadow box display not only showcases the arrows but also helps protect them from dust and damage. It adds a decorative element to the display and creates a visually striking arrangement on the wall.

To hang arrows on a wall using a shadow box display, follow these steps:

Choose a shadow box: 

Select a shadow box that is large enough to accommodate the size of your arrows. Shadow boxes come in various sizes and depths, so choose one that matches your display needs.

Prepare the shadow box: 

Remove the backing and any interior components from the shadow box. Clean the glass or acrylic front surface to ensure clarity.

Arrange the arrows: 

Place the arrows inside the shadow box in a visually appealing arrangement. You can position them vertically or at an angle, depending on your preference. Consider spacing them evenly and balancing the display.

Secure the arrows: 

Use small pieces of adhesive putty or clear tape to hold the arrows in place inside the shadow box. Ensure that they are securely attached and won’t easily move or fall.

Close the shadow box: 

Once the arrows are secured, carefully place the backing or cover of the shadow box back in place. Make sure it fits snugly and is properly aligned.

Hang the shadow box: 

Use appropriate hardware, such as picture hooks or nails, to hang the shadow box on the wall. Ensure that the chosen hardware is suitable for the weight of the shadow box.

Adjust the display: 

Step back and assess the arrangement of the arrows inside the shadow box. Make any necessary adjustments to achieve the desired look.

Wall Art Pieces guide

Wall art pieces provide a visually appealing way to display arrows on the wall. They can be arranged in various patterns or designs to create a unique and personalized display. Ensure that the chosen hanging hardware is suitable for the weight of the wall art pieces and that they are securely attached to the wall to prevent accidents or damage.

To hang arrows on a wall using wall art pieces, follow these steps:

Choose wall art pieces: 

Look for arrow wall art pieces that are designed specifically for hanging on walls. These can be made of various materials such as wood, metal, or even canvas.

Prepare the wall: 

Clean the wall surface where you plan to hang the arrow wall art pieces. Ensure the wall is smooth and free from any dust or debris.

Select hanging hardware: 

Depending on the type of wall and the weight of the wall art pieces, choose appropriate hanging hardware. This can include nails, screws, adhesive hooks, or even Velcro tape.

Measure and mark: 

Use a measuring tape to determine the desired placement of the arrow wall art pieces on the wall. Use a pencil or marker to mark the spots where the hardware will be installed.

Attach the hanging hardware: 

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to attach the chosen hanging hardware to the back of the arrow wall art pieces. Make sure they are securely fastened.

Hang the arrow wall art pieces: 

Align the hanging hardware on the back of the arrow wall art pieces with the marked spots on the wall. Carefully place the wall art pieces on the wall, ensuring they are level and evenly spaced.

Adjust and finalize: 

Step back and assess the arrangement of the arrow wall art pieces. Make any necessary adjustments in terms of positioning or spacing to achieve the desired look.

Rope or string method

The rope or string method provides a flexible and customizable way to hang arrows on a wall. It allows for easy adjustment and rearrangement of the arrows, making it suitable for changing displays or adding new arrows over time. Ensure that the rope or string is securely attached to the wall and that the arrows are properly secured to prevent accidents or damage.

To hang arrows on a wall using the rope or string method, follow these steps:

Choose a suitable rope or string: 

Select a strong and durable rope or string that can support the weight of the arrows. Consider using a material like nylon or sisal rope, or a sturdy twine.

Measure and cut the rope or string: 

Measure the desired length of rope or string for hanging the arrows. Cut the rope or string to the appropriate length, leaving extra length for tying knots and loops.

Create loops at both ends: 

Tie loops at both ends of the rope or string. These loops will serve as the attachment points for hanging the arrows. You can create loops by tying a secure knot or using metal or plastic loops designed for this purpose.

Determine the arrow placement: 

Decide on the arrangement and spacing of the arrows on the wall. Mark the spots on the wall where the rope or string will be attached.

Attach the rope or string to the wall: 

Use adhesive hooks, screws, or nails to attach the loops of the rope or string to the marked spots on the wall. Make sure the attachments are secure and can support the weight of the arrows.

Hang the arrows: 

Carefully place the arrows through the loops of the rope or string, ensuring they are evenly spaced and balanced. Adjust the positioning of the arrows as needed to achieve the desired display.

Secure the arrows: 

To prevent the arrows from moving or falling off the rope or string, you can use adhesive putty, clear tape, or small loops of string tied around each arrow. Make sure the arrows are securely attached.

How To Hang Arrows On a Wall

Here are instructions for hanging arrows on a wall:

Choose a suitable location: 

Determine where you want to hang the arrows on the wall. Consider factors such as height, visibility, and overall aesthetics.

Prepare the arrows: 

Ensure that the arrows are clean and free from any dust or debris. If needed, you can also paint or decorate the arrows to match your desired style.

Decide on the arrangement: 

Plan the arrangement of the arrows on the wall. You can create a straight line, a pattern, or a random arrangement, depending on your preference.

Mark the placement: 

Use a pencil or tape to mark the spots on the wall where you want to hang the arrows. Ensure that the marks are level and evenly spaced.

Choose hanging hardware: 

Select the appropriate hanging hardware based on the weight and size of the arrows. Options include adhesive hooks, nails, screws, or picture hanging kits.

Install the hanging hardware: 

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the chosen hanging hardware at the marked spots on the wall. Ensure that the hardware is securely attached and can support the weight of the arrows.

Hang the arrows: 

Carefully hang each arrow on the installed hanging hardware. Adjust the positioning as needed to achieve the desired arrangement.

Arrow Hanging Tips

When it comes to hanging arrows on a wall, here are some tips that may be helpful:

Consider the weight: 

Arrows can vary in weight, especially if they are decorative or have additional embellishments. Ensure that the hanging hardware you choose can support the weight of the arrows.

Align arrows: 

If you are hanging multiple arrows, pay attention to their alignment. You may want to create a straight line or arrange them in a pattern. Use a level or measuring tape to ensure they are evenly spaced.

Use appropriate hanging hardware: 

Depending on the type of wall and the weight of the arrows, you may need different types of hanging hardware such as adhesive hooks, nails, screws, or picture hanging kits. Choose hardware that is suitable for your wall and will securely hold the arrows in place.

Consider the wall material: 

Different wall materials require different hanging techniques. For example, if you have a plaster wall, you may need to use anchors or special screws to ensure a secure hold.

Protect arrows: 

If you are hanging valuable or delicate arrows, you may want to take precautions to prevent damage. Consider using soft adhesive pads or small hooks to gently hold the arrows in place without causing any harm.

Arrange with other decor: 

Think about how the hanging arrows will fit in with your overall decor scheme. You can incorporate them into a gallery wall or use them as a focal point. Experiment with different arrangements and placements to find what works best for your space.

Pros And Cons Of Hanging Arrows

When it comes to hanging arrows, there are a few pros and cons to consider:


Decorative Element: Hanging arrows can add a unique and visually appealing element to your wall decor. They can bring a rustic or tribal touch to your space, depending on the design of the arrows.

Conversation Starter: Arrows on the wall can serve as a conversation starter, sparking interest and curiosity among guests.

Versatility: Arrows can be hung in various arrangements, allowing for creativity and customization to fit your desired aesthetic.


Safety Concerns: If the arrows are not properly secured, there is a risk of them falling and causing injury or damage. Ensure that you use appropriate hanging hardware and follow proper installation techniques to minimize this risk.

Limited Functionality: Hanging arrows are primarily decorative and may not serve a functional purpose beyond adding visual interest to a space.

Space Considerations: Depending on the size and number of arrows you plan to hang, they may take up significant wall space, which could limit other decor options or make the area look cluttered if not planned properly.

4 Best Methods To Hang Arrows On A Wall


Hang arrows on a wall in various ways depending on the type of arrows and desired display style.

Use nails or hooks to hang the arrows directly on the wall, either resting them on top or hanging them by the shaft. For a decorative display, utilize a shadow box by placing the bow horizontally at the back and arranging the arrows vertically in front.

To create smaller wall art pieces, hang individual arrow decor pieces using nails, adhesive hooks, or Velcro tape, arranging them in a pattern or design.

For a rustic or bohemian-style display, use rope or string to securely tie the arrows and hang them on hooks or nails attached to the wall. Consider the weight and size of the arrows and ensure they are securely attached to prevent any damage.